International Schools Warsaw

International American School of Warsaw. The International American School of Warsaw (IAS), the first private American School of the post-Communist period, was founded in 1989 and is currently the only school in Poland which is accredited by the Polish Ministry of Education, International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) and Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC). Our unique status provides students with the opportunity of focusing their interests and choosing the best diploma program to prepare them for the university education of their choice. IAS is proud to be a truly international school with students from over 30 countries and a very dedicated, professional and diverse staff. The school complex consists of two buildings in close proximity (approximately 100 meters apart). Pre-kindergarteners, kindergartners, first and second graders are taught at our Primary School at ul. Dembego 12. Grades 3 through to 12 are taught at our ul. Dembego 18 site.

Warsaw is well prepared for foreign visitors who wish to their children to study in their mother tongue. There are over 19 international schools in Warsaw. Most of them are children of diplomats and people working for multinational companies. The most popular international schools in Warsaw are those with English as the language used in class. Most of these elementary and secondary schools rely on the British syllabus that leads up to the International Baccalaureate (IB) certificate. In most of international schools Polish is offered only as an extracurricular subject, with no more than two to three classes per week. However most of the children quickly learn basics and understand spoken Polish because international schools frequently organize team-building trips and events involving their Polish peers.

Below are some of the biggest international schools:
  • American School of Warsaw Ul. Warszawska 202, 05-520 Konstancin Jeziorna Tel.: 0048 22 702 85 00 Fax: 0048 22 702 85 44 WWW:
  • The British School ul Limanowskiego 15, 02-943 Warszawa Tel.: 0048 22 842 32 81 Fax: 0048 22 842 32 65 WWW: E-mail:
  • Willy Brandt Deutsche Schule: ul. Radosna 24, 02-956 Warszawa Tel.: 0048 22 642 21 31 Fax: 0048 22 642 21 31 WWW:
  • International European School - Warsaw ul. Wiertnicza 75, 02-952 Warszawa Tel.: 0048 22 842 44 48 Fax: 0048 22 842 44 48 WWW: E-mail:
  • Lycee Francais de Varsovie ul. Walecznych 4/6, 03-916 Warszawa Tel.: 0048 22 616 54 00 Fax: 0048 22 616 53 99 WWW: E-mail:
  • Canadian Primary School of Warsaw, 7 Bełska St.
  • Japanese Japanese School at the Japanese Embassy in Warsaw 7a Kormoranów St.
  • Italian Warsaw Montessori School, 4 Szwoleżerów St.
  • English